Restaurant and
The lodge sits on the site of a trading post built in 1896, and its cafeteria-style restaurant is located in the trading post’s original building. The all-day cafeteria serves Native American dishes as well as continental cuisine. Adorning the walls of the dining room are excellent examples of Navajo Rugs and artwork available for purchase. In the center of the dining area is a vault-like room, that at one time served as a jail for the trading post.
The Thunderbird Lodge Trading Post and rug room offer some of the regions finest Native American jewelry, crafts and Navajo rugs as well as mementos, clothing and other items.
Available in Our Trading Post
“Canyon de Chelly, American History, Heritage and Tradition” and other Canyon de Chelly videos describe the birthplace of the Navajo Nation and its history from Anasazi times to the coming of the Spaniards to today’s status as a National Monument.
The videos explain the many Anasazi ruins found in the canyon and how these people survived. The Anasazi – “Ancient Ones” – lived in the canyon for more than a thousand years and left around 1300 A.D. You will also learn about the many petroglyphs – carvings in the rock – and pictographs – drawings as well as Navajo History and the importance of the canyon to the Navajo people.
These videos are available at the Thunderbird Lodge Trading Post.